Monday, February 13, 2012

Chocolate Bridesmaids

We found a literally sweet way to ask your friends to be in your wedding. Lollibrides, from Naturally Gifted, are gourmet white chocolate or milk chocolate creations, 8" tall and "dressed" in a variety of bridesmaid dress colors. They come with tags that say, "Will you be my Maid of Honor?" or "Will you be my Bridesmaid?" If you've already invited friends to be in the wedding party, you could use them as favors and table decorations at the Bridesmaids' Luncheon, with tags that thank each one for being in the wedding.
We think they are a great deal at $9.95, although if you order them in warmer months and have to pay for dry ice shipping, they can be a little pricey. But worth it!
I don't think guys read this blog for ideas, but I'd love to see the woman's face who opened a gift from her boyfriend and found a chocolate bride in the box with a "Will You Marry Me?" tag and a ring tied to it.

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